Sunday, 20 November 2011

Search for Satisfaction...a Yes that matters.

I know all human beings  in this world have been a given a chance to prove themselves or to play its part or role and contribute something to their Life ..and some to society...but have you ever thought why  all that happens to us at a particular.. point of time...Why we sometime feel free enough to do anything we want or sometimes we have no other option to Choose from..Sometimes we get frustrated to think of doing something extreme ..Is all that sufficient for our Life to achieve real satisfaction....No is the answer ...
                                                                                                My friends I know all of us want to achieve something in our life .>but ask yourself a question  Is This I really want in life,,,,are u satisfied with this dear friends I know u all will get the answer Yes but is that yes really reflects You.No my friends This Yes is not u....You know why i am saying this because If this Yes would be really reflecting you then you would have been a different from others in many ways...I guess that's sufficient enough to tell all my friends their that always "Keep Moving Don't settle" these words were spoken by one great man who really changed the World's way of communicating...he is none other than the great then Mr Steve Jobs.. who said these words in his Commencement speech at Stanford university in 2005 ...At last he said "love what u do"
   I know you may not find it interesting at first but friends these things really matters Since as we know its not too late when all new will become old..

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Is This all that we need?

It took around 5 minutes for me to decide what should the title should be...Believe me but I thought let keep it simple and precise...Now after deciding the title i thought what reader must be thinking while reading this direction less title with no "End" attached to this line.But this directional less "Tag Line" is the "line of the hour" >every single Indian...
      Friends I know u all those reading this must be thinking that I am talking of deep rooted disease in our society "Corruption" or some may be thinking   of the Anticorruption movement led by our modern "Gandhi."..    There will be those who must be thinking of Government  "failed" efforts in  reducing Inflation but my dear friends Its not all that I am writing for ..In India we had  nearly thousands of people died till  now because of terrorism and still we have our most respected person of India , holding the most honorary position claiming our neighbors most respected person "A Man of Peace"My friends this is what our I was talking about ...I guess its sufficient enough to express the willingness of our Most respectable person..Now atlast its upto all of you to decide whether its good or bad for us....Thanks for reading....