First of all A very Happy and Prosperous Diwali to all banking aspirants .This is for all those who have qualified the IBPS CWE exam of PO and Clerk .I know all those successful candidates must be anxious to know forth coming vacancies in their preferred Banks.For PO vacancies you have to wait till Triple 12.Since your scorecard will be valid after only that.. i.e.12-12-12.
Now days the most attractive job sector for most is banking .Most people think that being a PSU the job is most secure option..But friends with that security you have something store for you which would detract you from growing in your most preferred job...Being from from a city where you have all the facilities to a an area where there is nothing is most the tough part to adjust with...>>>>I guess this would make my point somewhat clear to you.The motive behind writing is to make you aware of what could be in store for you...
Adjustment is the part of life but adjusting with it is not that easy..You got to be prepared to face it and Taste it...